Universe Traveler/mooncenterpointnothingghostcratersecond0

From Penguingame Studio

You are about to fall asleep. The ghost crater has dealt some damage to you.

Continue sleeping.

Wake up.

Items: 8

US money: $13.00

HP: 60

Stamina: 159%

Score: 210

Allies: 2

Purple Cow 1

Items: 1

US money: none

HP: 85

Stamina: 175%

Duckling 1

Items: 0

US money: none

HP: 45

Stamina: 89%

Gigi (Client)

Items: 14

US money: $21.50

HP: 84

Stamina: 98%

Client Points: 55

Jininia (Helper)

Items: 9

US money: $35.25

HP: 80

Stamina: 93%

Friend Points: 69